• Be the Change: Your Guide to a Greener Future

World Environment Day is a reminder of our collective responsibility to protect our planet. While large-scale environmental issues can seem daunting, individual actions can make a significant impact. Here are some practical steps you can take to be the change:

Small Steps, Big Impact !!

  • Carry reusable bags and water bottle.
  • Minimize the trash that goes to landfill by:
    • Refuse what you do not need.
    • Reduce what you do need.
    • Reuse what you consume.
    • Recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse.
    • Rot (compost) the rest!
  • Electrify.
  • "Bring your own plate, cup & silverware" gatherings.
  • Collect recyclables from the events.
  • Learn about Circular economy, Educate & Innovate!
The reality is none of us are perfect!
As you might have heard before, we don't need a handful of perfect environmentalists, we need billions of imperfect ones!

What's one "imperfect" action we can take to help make a positive impact?



We are a diverse group brought together by our love for the environment
We share eco-friendly tips, resources, and collaborate on projects to make a difference.


The future of our planet depends on all of us.
We believe in the power of collective action
Together, we can build a sustainable future filled with healthy ecosystems and thriving communities.


We are developing EcoPal, a cutting-edge app that will make living sustainably simpler and more fulfilling than it has ever been.
We conduct in-person workshops to increase sustainability awareness.

Our Vision:

To Empower Positive Eco-Friendly Behaviors
By sharing knowledge, identifying the barriers, and creating solutions to overcome them.
Copyright EcoPal © 2024
Built with 💚 in Cincinnati, OH, USA.
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