• Recycle: It's more than just trash!

Join the FREE Class!
This free class will cover everything you need to know, how to recycle like a pro!

It might be difficult to keep track of the different places where unwanted things can be disposed of and to keep in mind all the recycling guidelines.
In this class, you will learn:
  • What materials can and cannot be recycled
  • How to sort your recyclables properly
  • Where to take your recyclables
  • The benefits of recycling
You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and get hands-on experience with recycling materials. 

Please register and bring your children, too!

Saturday, Feb 24, 2024
9:30am - 10:30am

Mason Public Library
(Parkhill Room)
200 Reading Rd,
Mason, OH 45040.

For any questions, please feel free to contact us at 513 336 7049 (Text only).

Recycling 101 



We are a diverse group brought together by our love for the environment
We share eco-friendly tips, resources, and collaborate on projects to make a difference.


The future of our planet depends on all of us.
We believe in the power of collective action
Together, we can build a sustainable future filled with healthy ecosystems and thriving communities.


We are developing EcoPal, a cutting-edge app that will make living sustainably simpler and more fulfilling than it has ever been.
We conduct in-person workshops to increase sustainability awareness.

Our Vision:

To Empower Positive Eco-Friendly Behaviors
By sharing knowledge, identifying the barriers, and creating solutions to overcome them.
Copyright EcoPal © 2024
Built with 💚 in Cincinnati, OH, USA.
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